In the area of internationalization (i18n) formatting and parsing is a typical use case. Unfortunately
as the only parameter controlling such a process has shown not to be sufficient. Refer to the following use cases:
public class LocalizationStyle implements Serializable {
* serialVersionUID.
private static final long serialVersionUID = 8612440355369457473L;
/** The internal key used for a time locale set. */
public static final String TIME_LOCALE = "timeLocale";
/** The internal key used for a date locale set. */
public static final String DATE_LOCALE = "dateLocale";
/** The internal key used for a number locale set. */
public static final String NUMBER_LOCALE = "numberLocale";
/** The internal key used for a translation locale set (default). */
public static final String TRANSLATION_LOCALE = "locale";
/** The internal key used for a formatting/parsing style. */
private static final String DEFAULT_ID = "default";
/** The style's name, by default ({@link #DEFAULT_ID}. */
private String id;
/** The style's generic properties. */
private Map<String, Object> attributes = Collections
.synchronizedMap(new HashMap<String, Object>());
* Flag to make a localization style read only, so it can be used (and
* cached) similar to a immutable object.
private boolean readOnly = false;
* Creates a new instance of a style. This method will use the Locale
* returned from {@link Locale#getDefault()} as the style's default locale.
* @param id
* The style's identifier (not null).
public LocalizationStyle(String id) {
this(id, Locale.getDefault());
* Creates a new instance of a style.
* @param id
* The style's identifier (not null).
* @param locale
* the default locale to be used for all locale usages.
public LocalizationStyle(String id, Locale locale) {
this(id, locale, locale);
* Creates a new instance of a style.
* @param id
* The style's identifier (not null).
* @param translationLocale
* the default locale (translation locale) to be used for all
* locale usages.
* @param numberLocale
* the locale to be used for numbers.
public LocalizationStyle(String id, Locale translationLocale,
Locale numberLocale) {
if (id == null) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("ID must not be null.");
} = id;
* Creates a new instance of a style. This method will copy all attributes
* and properties from the given style. The style created will not be
* read-only, even when the base style is read-only.
* @param baseStyle
* The style to be used as a base style.
public LocalizationStyle(LocalizationStyle baseStyle) {
this.attributes.putAll(baseStyle.getAttributes()); = baseStyle.getId();
* Allows to evaluate if a style is a default style. A style is a default
* style, if its id equals to {@link #DEFAULT_ID}.
* <p>
* Note that nevertheless multiple default style instances may be defined
* that are not equal, since its attributes may differ.
* @return true, if this style is a default style.
public boolean isDefault() {
return DEFAULT_ID.equals(getId());
* This method allows to check, if the given style can be changed or, if it
* read only.
* @return true, if the style is read-only.
public final boolean isReadOnly() {
return readOnly;
* This method renders this style instance into an immutable instance.
* Subsequent calls to {@link #setAttribute(String, Serializable)},
* {@link #setDateLocale(Locale)}, {@link #setNumberLocale(Locale)},
* {@link #setTimeLocale(Locale)}or {@link #removeAttribute(String)} will
* throw an {@link IllegalStateException}.
public void setImmutable() {
this.readOnly = true;
* Method used to simply create a {@link IllegalStateException}, if this
* instance is read-only. This prevents duplicating the corresponding code.
private void throwsExceptionIfReadonly() {
if (readOnly) {
throw new IllegalStateException(
"This instance is immutable and can not be ^changed.");
* Get the style's identifier, not null.
* @return the style's id.
public String getId() {
return id;
* Get the style's (default) locale used for translation of textual values,
* and (if not specified explicitly as a fallback) for date, time and
* numbers.
* @return the translation (default) locale
public final Locale getTranslationLocale() {
Locale locale = (Locale) getAttribute(TRANSLATION_LOCALE);
if (locale != null) {
return locale;
return Locale.getDefault();
* Get the style's locale used for formatting/parsing of numbers.
* @return the number locale
public final Locale getNumberLocale() {
Locale locale = (Locale) getAttribute(NUMBER_LOCALE);
if (locale != null) {
return locale;
return getTranslationLocale();
* Get the style's locale for formatting/parsing of date instances.
* @return the date locale
public final Locale getDateLocale() {
Locale locale = (Locale) getAttribute(DATE_LOCALE);
if (locale != null) {
return locale;
return getTranslationLocale();
* Set the style's locale for formatting/parsing of dates.
* @param locale
* The date locale to be used, or null for falling back to the
* translation locale.
* @return the date locale previously set, or null.
public final Locale setDateLocale(Locale locale) {
return (Locale) setAttribute(DATE_LOCALE, locale);
* Set the style's locale for formatting/parsing of time.
* @param locale
* The time locale to be used, or null for falling back to the
* translation locale.
* @return the time locale previously set, or null.
public final Locale setTimeLocale(Locale locale) {
return (Locale) setAttribute(TIME_LOCALE, locale);
* Set the style's locale for formatting/parsing of numbers.
* @param locale
* The number locale to be used, or null for falling back to the
* number locale.
* @return the number locale previously set, or null.
public final Locale setNumberLocale(Locale locale) {
return (Locale) setAttribute(NUMBER_LOCALE, locale);
* Get the style's locale for formatting/parsing of time data.
* @return the time locale
public final Locale getTimeLocale() {
Locale locale = (Locale) getAttribute(TIME_LOCALE);
if (locale != null) {
return locale;
return getDateLocale();
* Get the current defined properties fo this style.
* @return the properties defined
public final Map<String, Object> getAttributes() {
synchronized (attributes) {
return new HashMap<String, Object>(attributes);
* Sets the given property. This method is meant for adding custom
* properties. Setting a predefined property, e.g. {@link #DATE_LOCALE} will
* throw an {@link IllegalArgumentException}.
* @param key
* The target key
* @param value
* The target value
* @return The object previously set, or null.
* @throws IllegalArgumentException
* if the key passed equals to a key used for a predefined
* property.
public Object setAttribute(String key, Serializable value) {
synchronized (attributes) {
return attributes.put(key, value);
* Read a property from this style.
* @param key
* The property's key
* @return the current property value, or null.
public Object getAttribute(String key) {
synchronized (attributes) {
return attributes.get(key);
* Removes the given property. This method is meant for removing custom
* properties. Setting a predefined property, e.g. {@link #DATE_LOCALE} will
* throw an {@link IllegalArgumentException}.
* @param key
* The key to be removed
* @return The object previously set, or null.
* @throws IllegalArgumentException
* if the key passed equals to a key used for a predefined
* property.
public Object removeAttribute(String key) {
synchronized (attributes) {
return attributes.remove(key);
* (non-Javadoc)
* @see java.lang.Object#hashCode()
public int hashCode() {
final int prime = 31;
int result = 1;
synchronized (attributes) {
result = prime * result
+ ((attributes == null) ? 0 : attributes.hashCode());
return result;
* (non-Javadoc)
* @see java.lang.Object#equals(java.lang.Object)
public boolean equals(Object obj) {
if (this == obj)
return true;
if (obj == null)
return false;
if (getClass() != obj.getClass())
return false;
LocalizationStyle other = (LocalizationStyle) obj;
synchronized (attributes) {
if (attributes == null) {
if (other.attributes != null)
return false;
} else if (!attributes.equals(other.attributes))
return false;
return true;
* (non-Javadoc)
* @see java.lang.Object#toString()
public String toString() {
synchronized (attributes) {
return "LocalizationContext [id=" + id + ", properties="
+ attributes + "]";
* Factory method to create a {@link LocalizationStyle} using a single
* {@link Locale}.
* @param locale
* @return
public static LocalizationStyle of(Locale locale) {
return new LocalizationStyle(DEFAULT_ID, locale);